Breezy Explainer: What sparked the Simone Biles vs MyKayla Skinner controversy?

Breezy Explainer: What sparked the Simone Biles vs MyKayla Skinner controversy?

In what has become a highly publicized feud, former Olympic teammates Simone Biles and MyKayla Skinner, who competed together during the 2016 Rio and 2020 Tokyo Olympics, are now at odds. The conflict arose after Skinner questioned the work ethic and dedication of the U.S. Olympic gymnastics squad preparing for the 2024 Paris Olympics, sparking widespread controversy within the gymnastics community.

Skinner’s critique of Team USA: A divisive comment

The tension began earlier this year when Skinner openly criticized the current Team USA after their Olympic qualifiers in June. In a video posted on July 3, Skinner expressed her concerns, stating, “Besides Simone, I feel like the talent and the depth just isn’t like what it used to be.” Although the video was later removed, it quickly garnered significant attention on social media, particularly on platform X.

Skinner further elaborated on her concerns, adding, “I just notice like, I mean, obviously a lot of girls don’t work as hard. The girls just don’t have the work ethic.” She also placed some of the blame on SafeSport, the independent organization dedicated to improving safety and preventing abuse in sports.

Backlash from the gymnastics community

The response to Skinner’s remarks was swift and critical, with many from the gymnastics world, including Biles, taking issue with her statements. Biles appeared to address Skinner indirectly on Instagram Threads, posting, “Not everyone needs a mic and a platform.”

In the face of mounting criticism, Skinner released an apology video on her Instagram Stories, claiming her comments were “misinterpreted.” She explained that much of what she said was not necessarily directed at the current team, stating, “It was more about going back into my own gym, just the work ethic is different compared to when we were doing gymnastics in the Márta era.” Skinner clarified that she was not endorsing Márta’s methods but was merely pointing out the differences in training styles.

A public apology and reflection

Reflecting on her comments in a statement to People magazine, Skinner acknowledged the impact of her words and apologized to the current team. “Upon reflection, I was comparing the ‘Marta Era’ to the current era. I am coming to terms that I have not fully dealt with the emotional and verbal abuse I endured under Marta that perhaps led to my hurtful comments. I take full responsibility for what I said and I deeply apologize,” she said.

In a moment of apparent vindication, Biles posted celebratory photos after Team USA secured the gold medal in the team all-around competition at the 2024 Paris Olympics. Accompanying the photos, Biles wrote, “lack of talent, lazy, Olympic champions,” a pointed response to Skinner’s earlier critique. The post quickly went viral, with the comments section flooded with support for Biles and the team.

‘Heartbroken’ Skinner responds, blocks Biles

The day following Biles’ post, she revealed that Skinner had blocked her on Instagram, sharing the news with a simple message, “Pop I’ve been blocked,” accompanied by a few emojis.

Nearly a week later, Skinner returned to the social media platform and posted a 4-minute-long video, making a direct request to Biles to ask her followers to avoid attacking Skinner and her family — including her infant daughter Charlotte.

“Only Simone had responded and she told me that she was proud of me,” Skinner said, adding that if Biles “truly believes” that she thinks the team is “lazy and lacking talent,” then she was “really heartbroken over it.”

She further claimed that Biles’ post “fueled another wave of hateful comments,” that led towards death threats to her and her family.

“To Simone, I am asking you directly and publicly to please put a stop to this… Please ask your followers to stop,” Skinner said.

The feud between Biles and Skinner highlights the deep emotions and pressures within the world of elite gymnastics. As the 2024 Paris Olympics approach, the focus will likely shift back to the competition itself, but the personal conflicts among former teammates serve as a stark reminder of the complexities that come with the pursuit of Olympic glory.

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