FIFA World Cup: You may get jailed in Qatar if you wear short or “revealing” clothes 


Football fans are getting more and more excited as the FIFA World Cup 2022 nears its start date in Qatar on November 20. Without a doubt, World Cup venues transform into nightclubs where fans party all night. All of that, however, is about to alter this year as a result of the Islamic country’s conservative regulations.


Fans have been asked to be mindful of Qatar’s laws. Speaking specifically about clothing, travelers may want to reconsider their choices in light of the restrictions that Qatar has put in place.

Fans traveling from other nations have reportedly been told to avoid overly revealing attire, according to a Daily Star report. According to Qatari law, if one doesn’t do this and shows too much skin, they might even go to jail. Additionally, sleeveless tank tops and tops with offensive slogans are prohibited, and men who completely remove their tops risk fines and jail time.

“Attitudes towards dressing in Qatar are relaxed, but visitors (men as well as women) are expected to show respect for the local culture by avoiding excessively revealing clothes in public. It is generally recommended for men and women to ensure their shoulders and knees are covered,” Qatar’s government tourism website states. In general, it is advised that both men and women cover their shoulders and knees.


The FIFA website also reiterated the same

The FIFA website also reiterated the same, stating that women can wear whatever they pleased as long as they were mindful of Qatar’s stringent laws.

In addition, modern cameras have been installed in the stadiums to keep an eye on the spectators. Niyas Abdulrahman, the event’s chief technology officer, told AFP in August that 15,000 cameras equipped with facial recognition technology would be monitoring the entire event, including attendees.

The World Cup, which will take place from November 20 to December 18, will feature 32 teams. The host team, Qatar, will compete against the Ecuadorian team in the opening game.

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