Nuke the Moon: Declassified documents reveal the US government’s plan

Nuke the Moon: Secret documents reveal the US government's plan

Believe it or not, the US government spent a lot of money and effort in devising a plot to nuke the moon.


According to a report by, the now-defunct Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) spent millions of dollars on this strange research and more. The investigation never reached an end.

As per reports, the AATIP tried out invisibility cloaks. Anti-gravity devices, transit through wormholes, and more are among the other experiments. got approximately 1,600 pages of papers, including reports, proposals, and contracts.


Nuke the moon experiment

The AATIP was a secret Department of Defense program that ran from 2007 to 2012. It barely lasted five years before becoming public knowledge according to the New York Times. It became public when the program’s former head Luis Elizondo resigned from the Pentagon.

The program was mostly funded at the request of Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who was the Senate majority leader at the time.

According to a 2017 investigation, $22 million was spent on this initiative. The AATIP brand, therefore, became synonymous with UFOs as a result of it.

However, newly discovered records imply that the agency was more than just about UFOs.


The theory behind the nuke the moon experiment is strange and ridiculous. Researchers working on “negative mass propulsion” proposed searching the moon’s core for extraordinarily light metals that are “100,000 times lighter than steel” but have the strength of steel. To access the moon’s core, the researchers proposed tunneling through the lunar crust and mantle by employing thermonuclear explosions.

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