NASA shares magnificent pic of flower grown in space

Nasa shared a magnificent image of a flower that was grown aboard the International Space Station.

The vastness of the universe and space is still being explored. Every day, scientists and researchers create amazing discoveries that astound us. Additionally, a few of them are working to cultivate flora in space. Several scientists have succeeded in cultivating gardens and vegetables in space as a result of their work. A magnificent image of a flower that was grown aboard the International Space Station was just posted by NASA.

“This zinnia was grown in orbit as part of the Veggie facility aboard the International Space Station. Scientists have been studying plants in space since the 1970s, but this particular experiment was started on the @ISS in 2015 by NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren,” wrote Nasa in a post.

They further added, “Our space garden isn’t just for show: learning how plants develop in orbit will help us understand how to grow crops off the Earth, providing a valuable source of fresh food on long-term missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. @NASAAstronauts have also grown lettuce, tomatoes, and chile peppers on the ISS, among other vegetables—with plenty more plants to come.”

The ISS has transformed into a magnificent space garden, proving that it is possible to grow food outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. Along with zinnias, NASA astronauts have successfully grown lettuce, tomatoes, and even chili peppers on the space station.

This amazing accomplishment illustrates the potential for sustaining human life throughout extended space travel in addition to showcasing the existence of plants in space.

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