No more crying over onions, people in the UK to get ‘tearless’ onions



No more crying over onions, people in the UK to get 'tearless' onions

Cooking can leave you in tears, quite literally. How many times have we cried while chopping onions for our favourite dish? But, not anymore. People in the UK get ‘tearless’ onions. How exciting, right? In the UK, the Waitrose supermarket chain is set to launch a sweet onion that won’t make cooks cry in the kitchen.


Sunions is the first ‘tearless’ onion variety to be grown in the United States. These are said to be ideal for people who have sensitive eyes or cook with kids. According to Waitrose, you can eat them raw in a salad because of their mild flavour. Sunions will be accessible in designated shops and on from January 18th, according to Paul Bidwell, Waitrose’s Onion Buyer. They recognize how “a-peeling” tearless onions are to their customers, he said. The new onions were formulated by cross-breeding less pungent onion varieties, rather than through genetic modification.

Sunions are £1.50 for a three-pack or 50p each

In a 2017 study, researchers looked at the crystal structure of an onion to detect how a distinct enzyme generates the tear-inducing compound. When we cut onions, sulfenic acid forms in our eyes, irritating them. Onions generate syn-propanethial-S-oxide, a chemical irritant that causes the lachrymal glands in the eyes to stimulate tears. Scientists from all over the world have been working on prototypes of a tearless onion for decades. Sunions have been around for four years in the United States. The brand was picked up by several Spanish retailers last year, and they made it to mainland Europe.

However, Sunions, on the other hand, may make your eyes water when you buy them, as they are considerably extra costly than ordinary onions, particularly at a time when food prices are already soaring. Sunions are £1.50 for a three-pack or 50p each. Waitrose’s cheapest own-brand onions are 14p each, so this is three times the price.

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