First ever vaccine for honeybees approved for use by the US

First ever vaccine for honeybees approved for use by the US

The US approved the world’s first vaccine for honeybees for use. The new move is expected to help in protecting honeybees from the deadly American foulbrood disease.

All about the first vaccine for honeybees

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) granted a conditional license for making vaccines for honeybees to Dalan Animal Health Inc. The American biotech company will be making vaccines for protecting them from American Foulbrood disease. The disease is caused by infection by Paenibacillus larvae. The bacterium weakens and kills hives. It first originated in the US before spreading across the world.

The vaccine containing whole-cell killed Paenibacillus larvae bacteria is administered by mixing it with the queen feed as worker bees consume it. Hence, it is incorporated into the royal jelly by all worker bees and they then feed it to the queen bee. As per a Business Wire report, “the queen then ingests it and fragments of the vaccine are deposited in her ovaries”. Therefore, by having exposure to the vaccine the developing larvae gain immunity as they hatch.

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The USDA granted a two-year-long conditional license to Dalan Animal in the first instance. However, at the moment, it will be distributed to a limited number of commercial beekeepers. However, they are anticipating having the vaccine ready for purchase in the US later this year. “We are also committed to providing innovative solutions to protect our pollinators and promote sustainable agriculture. Global population growth and changing climates will increase the importance of honeybee pollination to secure our food supply,” stated Dr. Anette Kleiser. Dr. Kleiser is the chief executive officer of Dalan Animal Health.

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