FDA approves a ‘first-of-its-kind’ vibrating pill to relieve chronic constipation

FDA approves a 'first-of-its-kind' c to relieve chronic constipation

Many people suffer from chronic constipation, and dealing with it can be difficult, especially if they do not want to use medication. These challenges can emerge from a variety of causes, including poor eating habits or another clinical issue. However, in a big relief, the Food and Drug Administration of US(FDA) has officially approved Vibrant, a tablet that may help relieve persistent constipation without the need for any medication.

Before we can comprehend how the pill works on our bodies and how it treats constipation, we must first understand Colonic Motility, as disruption of this can lead to constipation and other colon-related disorders.

What is the difference between colon and colonic motility dysfunction?

The colon is an organ in the gastrointestinal tract that is important in regulating defecation and preserving stool consistency. However, in the case of Colonic Motility Dysfunction, bowel habits may occasionally change, resulting in constipation, diarrhea, or, in rare cases, intermittent abdominal discomfort.

How does the therapy function?

The Vibrant pill was approved by the FDA in the month of August 2022. However, the therapy was not available to doctors for a prescription until recently. This obstacle has also been cleared this week. The primary aim of the pill is to stimulate colonic motility, which eventually leads to a smooth bowel movement.

“The pills stimulate specialized nerve cells in the gut called mechanosensory cells,” Ben Feldman, Chief Marketing Officer of Vibrant Gastro, the business that created the drug, told Health.

This medication is even more welcome in the United States, where it is estimated that 16% of the population suffers from chronic constipation. This pill stimulates the colon mechanically from the inside and contains no drugs.

According to Feldman, the mechanical stimulation’s pre-programmed time is thought to “increase colonic motility by leveraging the body’s biological clock.” Cathy Collis, Vibrant Gastro’s chief commercial officer, explained that when the pill is in activation mode, there are small vibrations for three seconds on and three seconds off.

Once the stimulation phase is done, the pill is automatically eliminated from the body during the bowel movement. The technology in the pill helps one to monitor the capsule while it’s in your body.

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