On average, one rotation of the Earth around its axis takes 24 hours. When one has a lot of duties to perform, 24 hours can seem short. It would have been more difficult if we had lived in the past. This is because Earth once had 19-hour days for a billion years, according to a new study published on June 12 in the journal Nature Geoscience.
The current solar day on Earth lasts around 24 hours. The reason that Earth’s solar day is not exactly equal to 24 hours is that the planet’s revolution around the Sun causes it to travel a bit in its orbit each day, requiring some more rotation for a specific meridian to point back towards the Sun. Modern clocks use the average of all solar days in a year, which is equivalent to 24 hours, based on this broader definition of one rotation.
What was the length of the day on Earth during the mid-Proterozoic era
Due to tidal events, Earth’s day length was around 19 hours during the mid-Proterozoic era. The Proterozoic era began 2.5 billion years ago and concluded 543 million years ago in Earth’s history.
Why did Earth’s days have a shorter length?
According to the findings, the day length was approximately 19 hours for approximately one billion years during the mid-Proterozoic. The reduced day length was caused by the Moon’s proximity to Earth. Tidal resonance was responsible for the mid-Proterozoic day length standstill. The Moon causes oceanic tides, while the Sun causes atmospheric thermal tides. The study implies that the torque of lunar oceanic tides was decelerative during the mid-Proterozoic epoch, which means that tides drained energy from Earth’s rotation and slowed the planet down. Meanwhile, the torque of solar-energy-driven atmospheric thermal tides was accelerative, which implies that thermal tides accelerated Earth’s rotation and had the potential to make it spin faster. The accelerative and decelerative torques combined to briefly stabilize the Earth’s rotation and stall the day duration. It was called the dull billion, a time of relatively modest biological evolution.
Solar atmospheric tides were formerly as powerful as moon oceanic tides. Because the Earth rotated quicker in the past than it does now, the drag of the Moon would have been much smaller. The Moon exerted a pulling effect on Earth, whereas the Sun’s tide pushed it. Overall, these two effects helped to stabilize Earth’s rotation. This phenomenon is referred to as tidal resonance in the study.
How did the Moon get to a higher orbit farther away from Earth throughout time?
Ross Mitchell, a geophysicist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and primary author of the new article, stated in a statement released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences that the Moon has stolen Earth’s rotational energy through time to propel it into a higher orbit away from Earth. This means that every time the Moon drains the rotational energy of the Earth, the planet spins slower and its natural satellite moves higher up in its orbit. A longer day means a slower rotation. According to Uwe Kirscher, a co-author of the article, most models of Earth’s rotation suggest that day length has steadily decreased over time.
How were ancient day lengths calculated?
Researchers used records from rare sedimentary rocks that maintain very fine-scale layering in tidal mud flats, which are coastal wetlands formed when mud is left behind by tides or rivers, to determine ancient day length. According to the remark, the number of sedimentary layers generated each month by tidal fluctuations was equivalent to the number of hours in an ancient day.
What exactly are Milankovitch cycles?
Milankovitch cycles reflect how changes in the rotation and orbit of the Earth affect climate. More than a century ago, Serbian scientist Milutin Milankovitch hypothesized that the long-term, collective effects of changes in Earth’s position relative to the Sun strongly drive Earth’s long-term climate and are responsible for triggering the beginning and end of glaciation periods.
Milankovitch examined how differences in three types of Earth orbital movements affect how much solar radiation reaches the top of Earth’s atmosphere, according to NASA. Insolation is the amount of solar radiation received over a particular surface in a certain period. Milankovitch cycles are the cyclical orbital movements of Earth. Milankovitch cycles cause fluctuations in incoming insolation of up to 25% at Earth’s mid-latitudes, which relate to parts of the planet located between about 30 and 60 degrees north and south of the equator.
The Milankovitch cycles, according to NASA, involve the shape of Earth’s orbit, which is known as eccentricity; the angle at Earth’s axis is tilted about Earth’s orbital plane, known as obliquity; and the direction Earth’s axis of rotation is pointed, which is known as precession. Kirschner explained in the Chinese Academy of Sciences statement that precession and obliquity, which are related to the wobble and tilt of Earth’s rotation axis in space, influence Earth’s rotation. In the past, shorter precession and obliquity cycles resulted in a faster rotation of the Earth.