Breezy Explainer: Scientists create mice with two biological dads, here’s how

Scientists take a huge leap in science by creating mice with two biological dads. Read to know how this was possible.

Meet the mice with two biological dads:

Scientists were successful in creating mice with two biological dads. This was possible by generating eggs from male cells. Following further research can help same-sex couples and those struggling with infertility. “This is the first case of making robust mammal oocytes from male cells,” stated Katsuhiko Hayashi. Hayashi’s work at Japan’s Kyushu University helped in pioneering the field of lab-grown eggs and sperm.

The research was presented on Wednesday in London at the Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing at the Francis Crick Institute. Hayashi believes that in a decade, this technology can help in creating a viable human egg using male skin cells. However, several others think it might be a high shot as the creation of viable lab-grown eggs from female cells is pending.

More on the new technology

This was not the first creation of mice with two biological dads. However, this was the first time creation of viable eggs from male cells helped in creating mice. Hayashi and his team’s next challenge is replicating the same with human cells. Moreover, if found to be safe, this will clinically allow two men to have a child.

“Purely in terms of technology, it will be possible [in humans] even in 10 years. I don’t know whether they’ll be available for reproduction. That is not a question just for the scientific program, but also for [society],” stated Hayashi. Additionally, this will also help women suffering from turner’s syndrome and severe forms of infertility. Turner’s syndrome is a condition where one copy of the X chromosome is partially or completely missing. Moreover, as per Hayashi, this condition was the main motivation for the study.

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