Breakthrough: Scientists create a new state of matter

Breakthrough: Scientists create a new state of matter

Columbia University Team Creates Dipolar BEC Lasting Two Seconds

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists at Columbia University, in collaboration with Radboud University in the Netherlands, have successfully created a new state of matter using a special type of Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) made from sodium and cesium molecules. This state, which lasts an unprecedented two seconds, represents a significant advancement in quantum physics.

A century-long journey in quantum physics

Physicists achieved this milestone by cooling a sodium-cesium condensate to just five nanoKelvin above absolute zero. This temperature, while extraordinarily cold, is not the most remarkable aspect of the experiment. The resulting BEC is dipolar, meaning it possesses both a positive and a negative charge. The research team employed a previously peer-reviewed technique involving microwaves to cross the “BEC threshold,” as explained in a press statement. The findings of this study were published in the journal Nature.

Microwave shielding: A novel technique

“By controlling these dipolar interactions, we hope to create new quantum states and phases of matter,” stated Ian Stevenson, a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia and co-author of the study. This innovative approach uses microwaves, typically associated with heating, in a novel way. Tijs Karman, a collaborator from Radboud University, explained that microwaves can act as shields, protecting molecules from lossy collisions and cooling the sample by removing hot molecules.

The team had tested the microwave technique in 2023, but the recent study introduced a second microwave field, significantly enhancing the creation of the desired BEC. “We really have a good idea of the interactions in this system, which is also critical for the next steps, like exploring dipolar many-body physics,” Karman said. He emphasized the excitement of seeing theoretical ideas about microwave shielding realized in practical experiments.

Implications for future research

The creation of this dipolar BEC paves the way for the development of various forms of exotic matter, including dipolar droplets, self-organized crystal phases, and dipolar spin liquids in optical lattices. These are just a few of the many potential applications this new BEC could help achieve. The precise control over quantum interactions enabled by this experiment could significantly impact quantum chemistry, according to Jun Ye, an ultracold scientist at UC-Boulder.

More than a century after the introduction of the universe’s little-known fifth state of matter, scientists continue to uncover its surprising properties and potential. This latest achievement underscores the ongoing importance of experimental physics in expanding our understanding of quantum states and interactions.

The study marks a significant step forward in quantum physics, offering promising new avenues for research and potential technological advancements.

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