Recent studies from the Laboratory of Statistical Biophysics at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) raised the prospect that we could detect alien transmission within the next 60 years.
The study, which was published in the Astronomical Journal, offered a novel theory as to why aliens have not yet been discovered by scientists.
“We’ve only been looking for 60 years,” said biophysicist Claudio Grimaldi while speaking to Science Alert. “Earth could simply be in a bubble that just happens to be devoid of radio waves emitted by extraterrestrial life,” he added.
It will take more time, money, and effort to search for signs of alien transmissions throughout the cosmos
The scientist went on to say that there is still too much space to be scanned and that there is a chance that not many alien communications have come into contact with scientists.
But the scientist emphasized that people must exercise patience. According to the biophysicist, it will take more time, money, and effort to search for signs of alien transmissions throughout the cosmos.
He continued by saying that there is some disagreement regarding the value of the hunt for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).
According to the research model, the Milky Way contains at least one electromagnetic signal of technological origin, and the Earth has been thought to be a quiet bubble (or sponge pore) for at least 60 years.
Milky Way contains electromagnetic radiation just as frequently as supernovae
If such is the case, the scientist explained, then data show that there are fewer than five electromagnetic discharges every century that occur anywhere in our galaxy.
Or, to put it another way, the Milky Way contains electromagnetic radiation just as frequently as supernovae, according to Science Alert. According to the expert, it could be at least 60 years before we are able to intercept an alien signal.
“We may have been unlucky in that we discovered how to use radio telescopes just as we were crossing a portion of space in which electromagnetic signals from other civilizations were absent,” Claudio Grimaldi said.
“To me, this hypothesis seems less extreme than assuming that we are constantly bombarded by signals from all sides but are, for some reason, unable to detect them,” he added.
“The best strategy might be to adopt the SETI community’s past approach of using data from other astrophysical studies – detecting radio emissions from other stars or galaxies – to see if they contain any techno-signals and make that the standard practice,” Grimaldi stated.