New GUYLINER Made for Rock Icons By Jordan Michelle’s Empire

The global cosmetics industry is valued at over $532 billion, with more than 103,000 beauty, cosmetics, and fragrances stores in America alone. For an entrepreneur who dreams of offering their own makeup line, they face some steep odds as they seek to carve out their niche in a market that is already filled with celebrities and household names. The question, then, is how a new cosmetics business can rise above the ever growing competition and successfully come up with new products that will disrupt the market. Having successfully launched her latest product, GUYLINER, Jordan Michelle, the creator of the cosmetics company By Jordan Michelle, offers the insights she has gained from her own entrepreneurial journey into one of the world’s biggest markets.


Jordan says that behind every successful makeup line is a unique story that is honest. “This is one way that you can differentiate yourself from your competitors. When you get right down to it, every company has mascara. Every company has eyeliner. What will make yours different? It’s the story behind them. If it’s compelling, it will weave itself into your products and their packaging and create a magic that will elevate what you offer above your competitors.”

“Eyeliner is an instant game changer,” Jordan explains, “I wanted to create something that embodied rock n’ roll, and that everyone would be able to wear and feel confident in.” The future sell out, GUYLINER which comes in black and midnight blue was created for the individuals who love to rock out and amplify the beauty standards. This pocket sized eyeliner was created so that when you’re on the go you can always have something with you that will intensify your look.

While there are many brands in the cosmetic market there is always room for more. The By Jordan Michelle empire, as Jordan states, is a brand for those with a story they want to tell through makeup. “Any entrepreneur who creates makeup that helps consumers to show the world how they are uniquely beautiful will always be embraced.”


For more information on By Jordan Michelle, please visit or contact:

By Jordan Michelle

(424) 234-6293


Photography: Santos Villaneda @santosvillaneda, Samuel Gove @samuelgove

Makeup: Savannah Simpson & Belen Anderson (@asavvymakeover) (@belenandersonmua)

Hair: Jorge Sanchez @boybraids

Styling: Estelle Aporongao @estella.png

Creative Director: Rick Wayne @Rick_wayne

Source: Panda News

Release ID: 192623

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