Is Poor indoor air quality harmful to children? – Camfil Canada School Air Filtration Report  

Indoor Air Quality In Schools — What Should We Be Doing to Protect Our Childrens’ Lungs?

Adequate ventilation and air filtration has been an instrumental part of public efforts to reduce COVID-19 infection rates. However, improving air quality is essential for improving overall public health, even in the presence of dangerous viral or other pathogens. As some jurisdictions consider reopening schools for young children and adolescents to attend in person, students and teachers must have protection from poor indoor air quality.

Why is poor indoor air quality harmful to children?

Children are especially vulnerable to the effects of poor air quality because they inhale a larger volume of air in proportion to the size of their bodies per breath than adults do, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). This also means they proportionally inhale a larger volume of harmful particulate matter and chemicals.

Many school buildings are heavily affected by pollution from outdoor sources especially when located next to a busy road. Buildings themselves often emit dangerous particles and chemical pollutants. Older buildings may release toxic gas residue from outdated building materials, cheap furniture is prone to giving off formaldehyde, and heavy-duty cleaning chemicals leave behind residue that is dangerous to the lungs.

Though COVID-19 infection is uncommon and rarely fatal among children and adolescents relative to infection and morbidity rates in older adults,…

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Is Poor indoor air quality harmful to children? – Camfil Canada School Air Filtration Report

Source: Camfil – Canada

Release ID: 206595

Original Source of the original story >> Is Poor indoor air quality harmful to children? – Camfil Canada School Air Filtration Report  

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