In a bizarre move, a 21-year-old art student is selling an unusual item as an NFT on OpenSea, an online marketplace. Here’s all you need to know about the Soul NFT.
Soil of Stinus: The Soul NFT
Non-Fungible Tokens or NFTs are all the rage as millions of people are involved in them. people are making a lot of money by selling unique videos, digital arts, and memes among other things. They are at an all-time high since the exploding sales during the pandemic. Their popularity kept rising as people were investing money in these exclusive digital items.
A 21-year-old art student called Stijn van Schaik from Hague art academy is ‘selling his soul’ as an NFT. While digitizing one’s soul is impossible, the listing has gone viral. Schaik hails from the Netherlands and calls the item ‘Soil of Stinus‘. According to the OpenSea listing, it is ready to be uploaded to a blockchain before the sales.
More on the bizarre listing

“Hello person, you are currently looking at a soul. For now, it is mine. Once it is fully uploaded on the blockchain, who knows what will happen. What does it mean for a soul to be decentralized? Let us find out,” wrote Schaik. “Example uses of the Soul which would be permitted under these terms include (but are not limited to): …Sacrificing or offering said Soul, in whole or in part, to any deity or spiritual entity,” he added.
Additionally, Stijn van Schaik has a ‘sale of soul agreement’ on the soul NFT. Based on a report, the NFT got the highest bid at 0.11 ETH or $378. Additionally, Stijn has a website where he is claiming that he is a crypto enthusiast actively looking into ways for making a profit. Additionally, he also states that by listing his soul he is hoping to grab the attention of people and spread the idea of NFTs.