Ex-US president Donald Trump’s tax returns released by US House panel

Ex-US president Donald Trump's tax returns released by US House panel

The House Ways and Means Committee disclosed Donald Trump’s redacted tax returns on Friday (December 30). Following the Democratic-controlled committee’s acquisition of the returns last month as part of an investigation into Trump’s taxes, six years’ worth of records were made available.

Trump criticized the publication in a statement, stating that “the Democrats should have never done it”

In the ongoing Supreme Court case about the disclosure of the returns from 2015 to 2020, the release of tax documents represents a turning moment. Last week, the committee was prepared to make the tax returns public. However, the existence of sensitive personal data, such as Social Security numbers, caused a delay.

Trump criticized the publication in a statement, stating that “the Democrats should have never done it, the Supreme Court should have never permitted it, and it’s going to lead to bad things for so many people,” as reported by NBC News.

Trump claimed that the returns he fought to keep hidden “show how proudly successful I have been”

However, Trump claimed that the returns he fought to keep hidden “show how proudly successful I have been and how I have been able to use depreciation and various other tax deductions as an incentive for creating thousands of jobs and magnificent structures and enterprises.” Presidents traditionally release their tax returns to the public. Trump referred to the decision to reveal the information as an “outrageous abuse of authority” and “totally unconstitutional” in a campaign film that was made public on Friday.

Trump stated: “They are acting without a justifiable legislative reason. And when you consider what they’ve done, it’s just tragic for our nation.” “It’s nothing but another psychotic political witch hunt,” he said, “which has been going on since I came down an escalator in Trump Tower.”

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) breached its own standards by failing to audit Trump for three of the four years of his administration, according to a report on the committee’s conclusions published last week. Before Republicans retake control of the US House in January, Democrats on the committee had just a few weeks to decide how to handle the returns after they received them. Republicans registered a narrow margin of victory in November’s midterm elections. 

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