What is sugar craving? 5 tips to control it

Sugar Craving

Sugar Craving

Excess of anything can be bad. We all have sugar or dessert cravings sometimes and it’s fine but, don’t forget sugar is our body’s biggest enemy. Consumption of too much sugar can lead to high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetes, etc. If you’re someone who eats something sweet every time you have a craving, STOP!! Here are 5 tips on how to overcome sugar cravings. 


What are sugar cravings? Why do we crave sugar?

Those experiencing a sugar craving feel a strong urge to eat something sweet and can find it difficult to control themselves around food. Well, though some kind of sugar craving is absolutely normal, it can be problematic when it gets overboard. Too much craving can be due to increased insulin levels.

How to overcome sugar cravings? 5 tips that can help you curb the craving

Eat healthy when hungry

Eat healthy when hungry

Eat healthy when hungry – It is difficult to understand when you are hungry and when you are craving something. Simply, cravings are like a treat for your body, not necessary but hunger is a necessity. Therefore, it is recommended to eat food rich in protein which can be filling too. Sugary junk will neither satiate you nor will be beneficial for your body.

Go for a walk

Go for a walk

Go for a walk – Walking or exercises release the same ‘feel-good hormone that your brain releases after eating dessert. Walking will keep you healthy, take you away from the cravings as well as make you feel relaxed and calm.


Drink water

Drink water – Water, literally, is a holy grail. It is that one perfect solution to almost all the problems. Dehydration could be another cause for craving. So, next time you are in the mood for a dessert at odd hours, try and grab a glass of water.

Grab a fruit

Grab a fruit – Fruits are naturally sweet as well as healthy. By eating fruits, you are not just satisfying your tongue but also helping your body.

Take multivitamins

Take multivitamins – Taking multivitamins will help your body recover any deficiency that could be the cause of sugar cravings.

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