Americans consume 57 pounds of added sugar annually, or roughly 17 teaspoons a day, on average. According to health experts, men should only consume a maximum of nine teaspoons daily while women and children should consume no more than six teaspoons daily.
Your health may suffer if you consume too much sugar. Among other health risks, it can lead to diabetes, increased blood pressure, acne, wrinkles, and cavities.
Cutting down on sugar can do wonders for your health. In this article, we discuss what happens to your body when you completely cut out sugar for 21 days.
1. Better skin health
According to studies, people who consume less sugar have better skin. Acne begins to fade and collagen production rises, which might make you look younger. The least expensive skincare product you can buy might be to stop eating sugar.
2. You will feel more energetic
One of the top recommendations for an anti-inflammatory diet is to reduce sugar if you experience signs of chronic inflammation in your body. As a result, you might experience a decrease in your level of fatigue, agitation, pain, and contentment.
3. Better mental health
Those sweet snacks you constantly indulging in might not be doing you any favors if you suffer from mental health conditions like depression. According to research, eating a lot of sugar is associated with increased levels of anxiety and sadness.
4. Weight loss
You will ultimately stop craving sugar if you stop consuming it. Suddenly, you’ll discover that the donuts your coworker brought to work don’t seem all that appetizing. You’ll also have greater energy.
And less overeating and greater drive to exercise result from fewer cravings and more energy, which is a recipe for weight loss.
5. Lowers the chances of diabetes
According to recent data, one in ten Americans has been diagnosed with diabetes. Your chance of developing diabetes can be lowered by watching your sugar intake.
Do these advantages persuade you to cut back on sweets? Speak with your healthcare professional if you want to learn more about the potential benefits of consuming less refined sugar for your particular health.