Outside running vs treadmill running: Which is better?



Outside running vs treadmill running: Which is better for you?

If you’re training for professional sports or just in general for working out, we sometimes wonder, which of the two is the correct way to run? Well, honestly there is nothing like a ‘correct way to run. People have their preferences, some like to go out and sweat it out while some like it indoors. So here’s a list of pros and cons of outside running v/s treadmill running that will help you in making decisions. 


What exactly is outdoor running?

What exactly is outdoor running?

Running outside on a trail, path, sidewalk, or any other outdoor terrain is known as outdoor running.

Pros :

Cons :

What is treadmill running?

Treadmill running is running on a machine that allows you to control the speed of your running.

Pros :

Cons : 


Whatever may be your fitness goal, whether you run indoors or outdoors is entirely up to you. If you’re up for some challenges you can try mixing up the two and have benefits of both. 

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