Sword collecting is just like any other hobby that needs time for you to become more knowledgeable about your passion. You should remember that there are a couple of things that you have to know from the onset about what makes a functional Japanese sword. When purchasing swords for sale, you need to ensure that the sword is full tang, meaning the sword was produced using good metal and the handle is attached to the blade.
It’s also a good idea to opt for a blade that is made up of carbon steel. This is because carbon steel is usually easier to sharpen and can hold the blade’s edge quite longer than stainless steel. There are also many other things that you should know before you decide to buy a Japanese sword. This article discusses Japanese swords.
The Wakizashi sword
The Wakizashi sword was considered to be a companion sword for the famous katana sword. The blade of this sword has the same design as the katana sword, though it is smaller. The wakizashi has a thinner edge, making it capable of severely hurting an opponent without armor. In most cases, the samurai used both the wakizashi and katana swords, and this combination was called daisho. Some samurai warriors would use both swords simultaneously if the situation required it.
In the past, the samurai used the wakizashi as a defense weapon in situations where the katana was not available. Therefore, it was usually utilized indoors like castles and houses. A samurai warrior would keep a katana sword in formal places, but they would carry with them the wakizashi sword. You should note that it was a custom to carry a thinner edge sword because of its indoor use. It was suitable in situations where the warrior’s opponent didn’t have armor.
The wakizashi was quite important for the samurai and they would even place it under a pillow when they were sleeping, ready for any action. Having a more manageable and short sword meant that the samurai warriors could more freely in areas where any fight using a katana was impossible.
Wakizashi also has a huge spiritual and symbolic significance in Japanese history. This is because it was a suitable weapon for conducting the Seppuku ceremony. You should note that this ceremony involved the samurai warrior killing themselves using their weapon. The warrior would often write a poem before committing ritual suicide.
The Tanto sword
Initially, the Tanto sword was produced as a straight dagger that could be worn by the samurai warrior alongside their Tachi. During the Nara era, it was utilized as an attack weapon, though it later became more ornamental.
Japan was experiencing many conspiracies and rebellions that threatened the Fujiwara family. Therefore, the authorities decided to form a specific class of warriors who would sacrifice their lives to protect the Fujiwara family and other noble families. Over time, this class of warriors was called the samurai warriors. The Tanto blade was produced so that it could be used together with the Tachi sword. It was designed to be utilized indoors, where the use of a long sword was not possible. In those situations, the Tanto sword, which has a short-range strength, became a suitable weapon.
The Tanto’s blade often ranges between 15 and 30 cm, but you can find some of these swords that can be longer than this. While the craftsmen experimented with a wide range of Tanto blades, these swords were rarely used in battles. With the arrival of the new Japanese swords, the Tanto sword became a more symbolic sword. Today, the Tanto sword is usually used as a functional knife, and you can purchase it together with a Wakizashi and a katana to make a full samurai sword set.
The Tachi sword
The Tachi sword is a precursor of the katana sword, and it’s curvier than the katana and has a slightly longer blade. Because of this, the Tachi was a great weapon on the battlefield, but not suitable in confined spaces. Initially, the Tachi was designed as a cavalry sword for cutting off foot soldiers.
The blade’s length provided a greater reach to fighters on horseback. And, its curved shape brought a strong attack by taking advantage of the wild impulse of the horse. Besides, it was also a good weapon on the ground, though its use was harder than when utilized on horseback.
The blade of the Tachi sword is usually 73 cm, which is the same length as the katana sword. But you can distinguish the Tachi sword from the katana sword by its curvature. This sword used to be considered to be a saber for cavalry because of its curvature along the entire blade. But its shape makes it hard to draw compared to the katana sword. Therefore, it’s a sword suitable for drawing before a fight and not during combat.
Rather than carrying the Tachi sword with the blade up, such as the katana sword, you can carry it with the blade down. This is also how the samurai would carry this sword. Carrying this word in this way was for etiquette reasons and the comfort of the samurai warrior during combat.
But the Tachi sword is not designed for stabbing. Instead, it was made for the warriors to make sharp and loaded blows. Therefore, it needs wider movements, making it a dangerous weapon. While it can be slower than the katana sword, it can still give stronger blows if you use it properly. Hence, this sword works well in open spaces, where there is nothing to interfere with it.
You should also note that the Tachi was made before the katana sword, so this makes it a weapon that was usually utilized earlier during Japanese history. Many people believe that this sword was used during the Koto period. Most Japanese swords are not signed, though there was a time when it was easier to distinguish the Tachi sword from the Katana sword by its signature called MEI. Therefore, if the samurai carried the sword with the edge facing down to make its signature readable, then it was a Tachi sword. If a person could not read the signature, then it was a katana sword.