From shark flesh to blood dumplings: The world’s ‘worst’ foods revealed—full list

From shark flesh to blood dumplings: The world's ‘worst’ foods revealed—full list

Taste Atlas releases annual list of world’s ‘worst-rated’ foods

In a world rich with culinary delights, experts in different foods have identified a list of what they deem ‘culinary trash.’ The annual compilation by Taste Atlas features some unusual and controversial dishes, including blood dumplings, shark flesh, and fish entrails.

User ratings drive the list

The list, curated from the ratings of 335,106 users, was filtered to exclude “bot, nationalist, or local patriotic ratings,” according to the site’s editors. They emphasize that the list is not a “final, global conclusion” but rather aims to “promote excellent local foods” and “instill pride in traditional dishes.” Despite this, many of the listed items are likely to provoke strong reactions.

Top eight ‘worst-rated’ foods

While the list is intended to highlight and celebrate traditional dishes, it also showcases some of the most polarizing foods from around the world. Check the full list here.

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