7 high-fat foods that are good for your health

Healthy fat

Healthy fat

7 high fat foods that are good for your health

We have all heard people around us say that, cut down on fats if you want to stay healthy. Well, not necessarily. Studies have found out that saturated fats aren’t a villain in our lives. Here are 7 fatty foods that are good for your health.


List of 7 fat foods that are good for your health

Chia seeds

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are rich in nutrients. It is one of the best sources to consume omega-3. Omega-3 helps with rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have found that chia flour reduces blood pressure in people suffering from high blood pressure. 


Another high in omega-3 food is flax-seed. The fibre content in it can make one feel satiated and help in reducing cholesterol. They are high in lignans, which have antioxidant properties. 


Eating nuts can be beneficial to the body. They are rich in fats, protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc which can help with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. 


Full fat yoghurt

Regular consumption of yoghurt can help in reducing weight and obesity. It has probiotic bacteria that helps with digestion and keeps the body cool.



Eggs are a high source of protein. Egg yolk contains vitamins B and D, along with choline which helps the functioning of brains, nerves, muscles, etc. New research has shown that consuming 1 egg a day can lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 


They are a source of high monounsaturated fatty acid called oleic acid. Research has suggested that this acid prevents cancer. Avocado contains lutein, which is said to be good for eye health. 

Dark chocolate

A small portion of dark chocolate is enough to satiate your sweet cravings as well as provide potassium and calcium. They are rich in flavonoids. They improve mood, make you look younger and help with cardiovascular diseases. 

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