Zombie Deer disease detected in Yellowstone National Park raises concerns

Zombie Deer disease detected in Yellowstone National Park raises concerns

According to the Independent, a ‘zombie deer sickness’ that causes animals to get disoriented and drool has been discovered in Yellowstone National Park in the United States. In a news release, the National Park Service confirmed the incidence and stated that the disease was identified in the carcass of an adult mule deer buck recovered near Yellowstone Lake in the park’s southeastern part.


The deer that died had been taken as part of a population study in Cody, Wyoming. The GPS collar placed on the animal enabled officials to pinpoint when it died. The collar indicated that the animal had died in mid-October 2023.

“In coordination with Yellowstone staff, WGFD located the carcass on the Promontory, a landmass that separates the South and Southeast arms of Yellowstone Lake, and collected samples for testing. The samples tested positive for CWD based on multiple diagnostic tests performed at WGFD’s Wildlife Health Laboratory,” the release read.

What exactly is Zombie Deer Disease?

Chronic wasting disease (CWD), also known as ‘Zombie Deer Disease,’ is a contagious and fatal illness that affects cervids, which include deer, elk, caribou, reindeer, and moose. CWD has been reported in 31 states in the United States so far.


It is caused by a prion, which is a misfolded protein that accumulates in the brain and other tissues, causing physiological and behavioral changes. emaciation, and ultimately death. It is spread by direct animal-to-animal contact or indirectly through contact with infected particles remaining in the environment, such as feces, dirt, or vegetation. Animals can become affected if their feed or pasture is polluted with prions.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, symptoms in deer can develop over the course of a year. The deer normally begins by losing a lot of weight, staggering around, and losing all vigor. At the moment, there is no cure or vaccination for CWD.

Zombie Deer Disease Symptoms

CWD is not known to infect humans or domestic and livestock animals. ”There is currently no evidence that CWD can infect humans or domestic animal species. However, it is recommended that tissues from CWD-infected animals not be consumed,” the US National Park Service said in its statement.

According to certain research, monkeys who consume contaminated animal flesh or come into contact with infected animal brains or bodily fluids are at risk for chronic wasting disease.

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