Weight loss may mean a risk of death for older adults, study shows

Weight loss may mean a risk of death for older adults, study shows

While it may be tempting to rejoice in one’s personal weight loss, this is not always a good idea. According to a recent study, older persons who lose weight are more likely to die young or have illnesses that shorten their lives. However, the study, which was released on Monday in JAMA Network Open, found no link between weight gain and death.

According to lead study author Dr. Monira Hussain, a clinical epidemiologist and senior research fellow in public health and preventative medicine at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, medical professionals have been known to be concerned when older people with health conditions lose weight, but researchers have not fully understood the impact of weight change on healthy older adults.

“Our study showed that even a 5% weight loss increases mortality risk, especially in older males”

Over 2,000 adults in the United States and approximately 17,000 adults in Australia who were at least 70 years old were both included in the study. According to the study, every participant was weighed during their yearly checkup between 2010 and 2014. Hussain stated, “Our study showed that even a 5% weight loss increases mortality risk, especially in older males. However, there was no correlation between weight growth and health in older adults, she continued.

According to Perri Halperin, the clinical nutrition director for the Mount Sinai Health System, the relationship was discovered across starting weights, indicating that persons who are medically classed as obese were also at an elevated risk of reducing weight. Halperin did not participate in the study.

The study was able to take initial health concerns into account. People with illnesses including cardiovascular disease, dementia, physical disability, or chronic illnesses were not included, according to Hussain. “It also excluded those with recent hospitalizations, which is important because hospitalization is often followed by weight loss due to acute conditions,” Halperin said in an email.

Weight might also be impacted by medical side effects and mobility concerns

But the study wasn’t able to distinguish if people involved lost weight intentionally or unintentionally, Hussain added. “No questions were asked about changes in activity level and diet quality between the baseline study visit and subsequent study visits, so we do not have any information on how those factors may have impacted the results,” Halperin said.

Because weight loss may indicate underlying problems, it could be a risk factor for mortality. Weight loss is “often linked to reduced appetite influenced by inflammation and hormones,” according to Hussain, and it may be an indication of diseases like cancer and dementia. By affecting appetite, metabolism, and eating habits, underlying chronic health issues can also cause weight loss in older persons, according to Halperin. Weight might also be impacted by medical side effects and mobility concerns. According to Halperin, weight changes can also indicate a problem with lifestyle.

“A major contributing factor to weight loss in older adults is social isolation. Other concerns include financial constraints and pain and discomfort,” she added. It’s critical, according to Halperin, to keep in mind that correlation does not imply causality in research like this. Although there was a correlation between weight loss and mortality, this does not imply that weight reduction was the direct cause of death.

“It’s also important to say that the opposite cannot be extrapolated nor recommended – ie gaining weight would not necessarily decrease your mortality risk,” she said in an email. “As always, discuss your weight changes with your doctor or another medical professional.” The takeaway is for older adults to monitor their weight change, Halperin said. “If they notice a decrease in the number on the scale (weight loss) or perhaps pants that were once snug-fitting looser (decreased waist circumference),” she added, “bring it up with their doctor for possible further screening or testing.” She added that the medical community should also heed the advice. Doctors and other medical professionals need to be aware that weight fluctuations necessitate additional research.

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