Top 5 plants for healthy, glowing, and young skin

Top 5 plants for healthy, glowing, and young skin

Healthy and young skin makes us feel better as well as satisfied throughout the day. Recently, people have started shifting from mainstream chemical products to more sustainable ones. But natural and plant-based products aren’t always easy on pockets.

Struggling with where to look for affordable and natural skincare products? Let us suggest you some amazing plants for healthy skin.

Herbs are an abundance of antioxidants, minerals, antiseptic abilities, and cleansing properties. And you can easily grow them in your backyard or terrace garden. Here are the top 5 plants for healthy, glowing, and young skin.

1. Aloe Vera

Properties: Aloe Vera is the most popularly used plant for skin care. And rightly so, it is packed with natural goodness that makes your skin happy. It contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that help with acne, burns, etc. It will even moisturize your skin and help you get rid of all that dry skin.

How to use: It’s so easy! All you have to do is cut it open, collect the gel in a container, blend it (if you like) and apply it to your skin, and scalp.

2. Lavender

Properties: Lavender is one of the widely preferred ingredients for essential oils. It helps you soothe your skin and has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Lavender also prevents as well as removes dryness, inflammation, and irritation from your skin.

How to use: For better sleep and relaxation you can just tuck it under your pillow. To use it directly, you can dry the leaves, crush them and infuse them with your facial creams and toner. It will not only give you a lovely smell but also calm your skin.

3. Thyme

Properties: Thyme is extremely beneficial as it is rich in antioxidants. It helps in slowing the aging process and circulation as well as increasing blood flow to the skin. It boosts skin health, recovers from fatigued skin as well as heals scar tissues.

How to use: You can add it to your morning tea or add it to your mask mixture. Now, enjoy your radiant and soft skin.

4. Chamomile 

Properties: Chamomile is packed with impressive antioxidants like polyphenols and phytochemicals and apigenin. It quickens tissue as well as cell renewal, reduces fine lines on your face, and gives it a young glow.

How to use: You can add it to your tea or make a thick paste and apply it to your skin. You can also add it to your mask mixture.

5. Rosemary

Properties: Rosemary is full of nutrients, antioxidants, calcium, iron, and vitamins. It is a widely used herb for aromatherapy. Rosemary is used to preventing acne, oily skin, skin aging, and infection. It also soothes the skin, heals burns, and stimulates blood flow.

How to use: You can add its oil as a cleanser, on acne, or scalp, or add some leaves to your tea.

I hope you enjoyed the suggestions and found them helpful. All the best for your skincare journey!

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