Study reveals the ideal number of steps you should walk every day

Study reveals the ideal number of steps you should walk every day

According to one study, staying fit and healthy requires less than 5,000 steps each day. According to a BBC story, an analysis of over 226,000 adults worldwide revealed that 4,000 steps were enough to begin reducing the chance of dying prematurely from any cause, citing a study from the Medical University of Lodz in Poland and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.


Every additional step over 4,000 reduces the risk of dying prematurely by 15%, up to 20,000 steps

Just over 2,300 steps are sufficient to improve the heart and blood vessels. However, studies claim that the more steps taken, the greater the health benefits. According to the study, every additional step over 4,000 reduced the risk of dying prematurely by 15% up to 20,000 steps.

According to Maciej Banach, a professor at the Medical University of Lodz, while the number of innovative pharmaceuticals for therapy is expanding, it is not the sole solution. Banach emphasized that lifestyle modifications, such as diet and exercise, which were a major component of the study, “might be at least as, or even more, effective in reducing cardiovascular risk and prolonging lives.”

Honey Fine, an instructor with the worldwide fitness business Barry, emphasized the issues associated with excessive sitting. Fine told the BBC that excessive sitting can impede metabolism and damage muscle growth and strength, resulting in aches and pains.


“Sitting down for too long can also cause all sorts of back problems, we find this a lot with people with office jobs, that their backs are constantly put in a stressed, compressed position, which causes a lot more problems later on in life,” Fine added. 

She went on to discuss the significance of non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), which refers to anything that consumes energy and burns calories.

Standing, carrying groceries, and cleaning the floors, according to Fine, increase activity and help people burn calories more efficiently.

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