Oldest disease causing fungus discovered by natural history museum


The Natural History Museum in London recently unveiled fossil collections that reveal what is thought to be the oldest disease-causing fungus.

Potteromyces asteroxylicola, a 407-million-year-old fungus, is named after Beatrix Potter, the renowned author of Tales of Peter Rabbit and a fungi enthusiast.

The findings are titled “A fungal plant pathogen discovered in the Devonian Rhynie Chert” in the paper. The study, which was published in Nature Communications, sheds light on Potter’s pioneering drawings and fungal growth studies, establishing her as a significant figure in mycology.

Rhynie Chert provided the fossil samples

Potteromyces was discovered in fossil samples from the Rhynie Chert in Scotland, a significant geological site. The site is known for its well-preserved Early Devonian plant and animal communities, including fungi and bacteria.

The study, conducted in collaboration with mycologists at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, proposes a historical precedent for disease-causing fungi such as those affecting the UK’s ash trees.

Dr Christine Strullu-Derrien, lead author and Scientific Associate at the Natural History Museum says, “Although other fungal parasites have been found in this area before, this is the first case of one causing disease in a plant. What’s more, Potteromyces can provide a valuable point from which to date the evolution of different fungus groups, such as Ascomycota, the largest fungal phylum.”

“Naming this important species after Beatrix Potter seems a fitting tribute to her remarkable work and commitment to piecing together the secrets of fungi,” Christine added.

In 2015, the first Potteromyces specimen was discovered

In 2015, Christine discovered the first Potteromyces specimen. Its reproductive structures, known as conidiophores, were unique in their shape and formation.

The confirmation of this new species came when a second specimen, showcasing the fungus’s distinct nature, was found in the collections of the National Museums of Scotland on another slide from the Rhynie Chert.

“New technology available to us, such as confocal microscopy, has enabled us to unlock more secrets from fossils housed in museum collections, such as those within the Natural History Museum,” said Christine.

“When I first started work on the Rhynie Chert, it was only meant to take two or three years. It’s now been 12, and I still think there is a lot to discover from this fabulous site,” she further stated.

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