Dealing with anxiety in lockdown? Here are few tips to maintain mental health

Mental Health is an important aspect of everyone’s lives. It matters as much as our physical health matters. Especially amidst the global catastrophe, being trapped in our houses is not easy. Deterioration of mental health can affect you in ways you wouldn’t even imagine.

“I’m always terrified that something’s going to happen. And I’m not going to be able to do this anymore and it’s all going to end in one day”, – Taylor Swift.

A healthy mind and a healthy body are both important for the nourishment of the body. If you are someone who is going through a crisis or not or is just frustrated about something or small, then just remember that you are awesome and it’s completely normal to feel whatever you feel. You do not have to find excuses for your feelings. Just hang in there, it will be alright. There are some tips to take care of your mental health. You can try them out to feel better.

Sleep, sleep, sleep

Americans are really sleep-deprived, yet those with mental conditions are significantly bound to be yawning or lethargic during the day. Sleep and mental wellness are firmly associated. Lack of sleep influences your mental state and emotional well-being. Get enough sleep so that you feel fresh and do not have mood swings. Beauty sleep is actually a must for the beauty of your face, mind, and body. Well, do you really need any more reasons to get enough sleep?

Eat healthy and drink plenty of water

You are what you eat. Whoever said this was absolutely true. You need a proper diet for the nourishment of your body and mind. Having a balanced diet is not only important for your body but for your mind too. Make sure to drink two liters of water every day, and consume as many greens as you can. Remember, pizza works amazingly on a cheat day but not every day. Your body is your temple, your home. Make sure to always take care of it. 


Exercising has a colossal potential to upgrade our well-being. Indeed, even a short 10 minutes of walking builds our psychological sharpness, energy, and positive state of mind. Working out can increase our confidence and can lessen pressure and tension. No matter which is your form of working out, be it dancing, Pilates, yoga, or just running, just do it at least for 15 minutes per day. While you do all this, do not think negatively about your body. Love your body as you love your favorite celebrity’s body.

Say NO to Substance abuse

Individuals use drugs and drink liquor for various reasons. Whatever your explanation, consuming these may have drawn out adverse consequences on you. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs not only harm your physical health but are adversaries of your mental health too. Say no to the thought that ‘this is my last drink or smoke’. Cut off feeding on them or else they will start feeding off you. This might sound difficult but then take one step at a time. Don’t force yourself to do it, take baby steps. Also, make it a process in which you do not cause any type of harm to yourself.

Sunshine and you

Sunlight is a great source of Vitamin D and serotonin. While vitamin D is good for our physical body, serotonin increases our feeling of well-being and uplifts our mood. Sunlight is a natural mood enhancer. 30 minutes to two hours a day of sunlight is essential. Also, do not forget to take care of your skin and eyes while you go in the sunlight. Get some sunshine but also do not forget you’re the sunshine too.

Connect and be socialise

Put forth an attempt to keep up great connections and converse with individuals at whatever point you find the opportunity. Having companions is significant for your confidence, yet additionally for offering help when you’re not feeling your incredible self. Play games with them at home or online or engage in a deep conversation, plan virtual parties. Reminisce the old beautiful times and create new awesome memories. The main point is your social engagement and also, it’s been so long since you’ve slept on your parents’ laps.

Do something you enjoy

You have to also make time to unwind. Unveil the artist in you. Try out new skills or get better with the old ones.  Whatever you like, whether it is going for a walk, dancing, or watching movies, go do it because at the end, all that matters are things that make you happy. After all, how long is that guitar going to be trapped in its case in that sad corner of your house? Become a child again who is always curious and learning. Become a child who is not aiming for perfection but aiming for the happiness he gets after painting the sky pink.

Seek help

If things start going out of hand, you can always get help.

“Sadly, too often, the stigma around mental health prevents people who need help from seeking it. But that simply doesn’t make any sense. Whether an illness affects your heart, your arm, or your brain, it’s still an illness, and there shouldn’t be any distinction…we should make it clear that getting help isn’t a sign of weakness — it’s a sign of strength — and we should ensure that people can get the treatment they need.” – Michelle Obama.

Most importantly, do not feel ashamed about it. You will thank your future self if you asked for help today.

Pro Tip for good mental health: The nourishment of our mental health is as important as the nourishment of our physical health. These tips for good mental health are not just them but can include anything that makes your life happier. All and all, take very good care of yourselves and most importantly, do not forget to take a deep breath and make the best even in the worst of situations.

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