COVID-19 symptoms have become milder, but 3 symptoms remain prevalent, says New York doctor

COVID-19 symptoms have become milder, but 3 symptoms remain prevalent, says New York doctor

The severity of coronavirus has fallen dramatically, and cases are noticeably lower than in past waves, but three symptoms remain prevalent, according to a health specialist. Dr. Erick Eiting told NBC News that the virus has gotten so mild that it is difficult to identify whether a person has Covid or a regular cold. The virus caused a global epidemic more than three years ago, resulting in strict travel restrictions and a significant influence on human immunity.


However, the symptoms are now minor, according to Dr. Erick Eiting, vice chair of operations for emergency care at Mount Sinai Downtown.

“The only way that we knew that it was COVID was because we happened to be testing them,” Dr Eiting added.

He did, however, mention that his current symptoms are largely congestion, sneezing, and a minor sore throat.


A long-term study published in The Lancet connected sore throat to COVID-19, claiming that the ailment worsened after the Omicron variant spread in 2021.

Another health expert, Dr. Grace McComsey of Case Western University, told NBC News that taste and smell loss today affects only around 10-20% of Covid patients, as opposed to 60-70% during the early pandemic.

Both doctors also stated that, compared to the previous year, fewer people require intensive hospital treatment.

Coronaviruses produce infections ranging from the common cold to more serious conditions such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). It is thought to have started in late 2019 in Wuhan, China.

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