India alone has been reporting over 300,000 COVID-19 cases every day since mid-April. It is twice more than last year’s peak of 93,000 a day. India is going through a deadly second wave and, scientists are busy investigating the new coronavirus variant.
But first, what is this new India variant?
India variant officially is known as B.1.617 and, first detected in October 2020. Viruses keep mutating. While most of them are not significant, some are more or even less contagious.
What do we know about the India variant so far?
According to the GISAID global database, the variant has been spotted in 21 countries so far. Unfortunately, sample testing is not widespread in India and, it is not easy to detect its speed. Out of 361 samples collected in Maharashtra between January to March 2021, 220 samples were tested positive for the new variant.
Scientists are not sure if the new variant is more resistant to the vaccine. Their infectious behavior is also unknown.
How infectious and dangerous is this new variant?

It is similar to variants seen in Brazil and South Africa, as per Dr. Kamil, a virologist at Lousiana State University. If you wonder why it is because mutations help viruses evade the body’s immune response from vaccines and prior infections.
It is dubbed as a double mutant and classified as a variant of concern (VOC).
Will vaccines work against the India variant?

Researchers are positive that vaccination will help in controlling the new variant by preventing its severity. However, some coronavirus variants can escape the current vaccines, according to this paper published in Nature.
On the positive side, vaccines can be the thin line between little to no disease and the risk of death and complications. Hesitation or waiting for the perfect vaccine is not a good idea, according to experts.
The country is at a turning point and, the change of events can occur by the actions that follow. We mustn’t underestimate its potential danger and take necessary precautions.