Weight loss is the goal on the list of many people. But sometimes our weight loss journey does not go as planned. There might be a lot of reasons for it. People make a lot of mistakes on their weight loss journey and hence do not achieve their ideal weight. All of this leads to frustration and hours of thinking about where we went wrong with our flawless plan? Sometimes, the mistakes of your weight loss journey are so common that they make us go astounded.
1. Skipping or under eating meals

While radically cutting calories or skipping meals may appear to be a handy solution for weight reduction, under-eating can really undermine your endeavors to shed those additional pounds. Remaining hungry for extended periods of time may in the end lead you to gorge to satisfy the appetite.
Slow and steady wins the race here too. This implies decreasing calories to a reasonable level and setting a consistent weight reduction focus of 1-2 pounds each week. Healthy and nutrient-rich meals give you the energy to prevent you from binging. Your eating routine ought to be an equivalent balance of proteins, fibers, and supplements.
2. Overestimation of exercise

A 2010 report published in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness found that members overestimated the number of calories consumed in an activity meeting by three to four times. This mistake in judgment drove them to devour practically triple the calories they consumed during exercise.
Attempting to make up for a not exactly ideal eating regimen with practice is rarely the short haul to weight reduction. Notwithstanding, research proposes that when you add exercise to a better eating routine, you’re regularly remunerated with more supported weight reduction over the long haul. Thus, focus on both exercise and good dieting inside your weight reduction plan.
3. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep triggers changes in our appetite and hunger hormones. The hormone leptin decreases through terrible rest, stifles hunger, and urges the body to exhaust energy. Ghrelin, then again, triggers sensations of yearning – and its creation increments when you’re inadequate in rest. After lack of sleep, your brain battles to utilize its best judgment around food, so you’re bound to be hasty and surrender to unfortunate food longings.
To improve your rest amount and quality, ensure you sleep in absolute murkiness while keeping away from blue light from cell phones and gadgets for a couple of hours before bed.
4. Diet products are major weight loss mistakes
Loading up on diet-food items is probably the surest approach to fall flat in your weight loss mission. Eating ‘low fat’ food items may appear to be an easy decision – however, don’t be tricked. Different fixings make the food taste like its full-fat partner in order to make up for the fat that is eliminated.
Refrain from diet food items, and fill your eating routine with whole food, plant-based food sources all things considered.