China State Media: Added oversight for online games needed

Online gaming China

Online gaming China

China State Media: Added oversight for online games needed

The China State Media needs to increase the regulations concerning online games to guarantee that they do not distort history as per criticisms from the Chinese government agency. Read to understand why.

This is what the China State Media thinks

According to the China State Media, several online games with historical figures project a harmful wave of cultural communication. “Gaming regulators need to step up management. And, have zero tolerance for online games that have deviated from the normal track,” stated a commentary on China’s National Radio. According to it, some online games can give a wrong impression to players, especially the youngsters. “The gaming industry should increase self-discipline. The respect for national history should be the bottom line for the industry’s employees,” it said.

More developments on the matter

The Chinese government may soon set its sights on online entertainment after controlling e-commerce, online education, and ride-hailing. Moreover, Tencent Holdings Ltd stated that a ban on kids below the age of 12 playing games might be helpful. This was following a by-product of Xinhua, the official news agency of China, describing online games as electronic drugs and spiritual opium. However, the broadcast company withdrew comments referring to narcotics. The comments also disappeared from online outlets.

The Xinhua news report led to an 11 percent fall in the gaming industry. Moreover, a report from the Economic Industry Daily quoted a student admitting the truth. The child’s friends played Honor of Kings for over eight hours every day! Since then, several online game makers and operators in China have increased diligence and introduced new mechanisms. This will stop adolescents from falling prey to addiction and limit time on playing games.

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