Epic’s Fortnite is one of the best online multiplayer battle royale games. It is based on a survival concept among 100 players and the last one abiding wins the game. There are several tips and tricks to ace the game. Picking the right weapon at the right time is one of the key factors of the game. Here is a list of the best guns to use in Fortnite.
SCAR (Assault Rifle)

SCAR stands for Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle. It is one of the strongest weapons in the game as of now. Its fire rate and damage done to the enemy is unbeatable. Because of its god-level accuracy, this rifle can be used in all ranges. But it is most suitable in the mid-range. The rifle can be fired in two ways- single tap and multiple taps.

Shotguns are highly effective for close range, and a well-placed single shot can finish an enemy. There are two types of shotgun in Fortnite-
1.Pump shotgun

- Pump shotguns have a slow firing rate but the damage is really good
- It is most suitable for players with good aim
2. Tactical shotgun

- Tactical shotguns have really fast firing speed and good damage. It can be used by Fortnite players with any sort of aim
Sniper Rifle

These rifles are most suitable for long and mid-range shots. The Bolt action sniper rifles are of the best kind. It just takes a single shot to eliminate the opponent. But it has a slow reloading time. Likewise, semi-automatic sniper rifles have a slow firing rate than a bolt action. These are best for non-pro players.
Machine Gun

In Fortnite, machine guns are used to destroy opponent’s fortifications rather than opponents themselves. The high firing rate and ammo capacity of a machine gun are able to tear down the enemy’s defense structures in a jiffy. They are best for close-range combat.