Rising temperatures: Earth had its 6th-hottest July and year to date on record

Rising temperatures: Earth had its 6th-hottest July and year to date on record

Throughout this year, the rising temperatures have been bothering everyone. Scientists believe this year could be one of the top ten warmest years.

Hottest Months of 2022

Scientists from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) calculated the average temperature on Earth in July and August. Compared to the previous century’s averages, the values reveal an increase of 0.87 degrees Celcius for July and 0.9 C for August 2022. They also believe five out of seven Julys since 2016 were the warmest ever. They also revealed that the summers of 2022 in the northern hemisphere were the fifth hottest in the last 143 years.

“The three months temperature during these three years remained 0.89 degree Celsius above the 20th-century average,” stated the NOAA report. This year extreme and sudden heat were experienced in several parts of Spain, France, Africa, Japan, and the US. Additionally, people in China, Portugal, Italy, and the UK experienced rising temperatures. These nations also witnessed dry, and hot weather. Extreme droughts unheard of in recent years also made a comeback.

More on the rising temperatures on Earth

Following the summer months, the extent of sea ice increases in the Antarctic and Arctic poles. However, this year, the sea ice coverage in the Arctic sea fell by 1.68 percent compared to records from 1981 to 2010. The Antarctic sea observed a drop in sea ice by 4.2 percent. The drop equals 4.67 million square miles and 6.55 million square miles respectively.

Surprisingly, India was not on the list despite making headlines for heatwaves. This is because while it is also suffering from rising temperatures, its average was dragged down due to its size and vast area. Additionally, several parts of India experienced heavy rainfall in June, July, and August.

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