Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland erupts for the 6th time since 2021


A volcano erupted in southwest Iceland on Thursday (February 8), marking the sixth eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula since 2021, according to the country’s meteorological service. This is the region’s second eruption this year, adding to the area’s history of volcanic activity, according to Reuters.

Live imagery from the area showed brilliant orange molten rock erupting from fissures in the ground. The eruption spectacle drew attention as torrents of lava poured and cascaded across the countryside.

The Meteorological Office in Iceland issued a warning to the public regarding the volcanic eruption north of Sylingarfell. Concurrently, the adjacent Blue Lagoon geothermal spa announced its shutdown as a preventative measure in response to the volcanic activity.

It’s not the first time

The most recent explosion follows a similar incident on January 14, which lasted around two days. During that eruption, lava flows encroached on the borders of the fishing town of Grindavik, forcing approximately 4,000 persons to evacuate and causing damage to several residential properties.

The eruption’s epicenter, Sylingarfell Mountain, is located north of Grindavik. However, it is unclear whether Thursday’s volcanic activity would directly affect the surrounding community.

In preparation for future volcanic occurrences, authorities in Iceland began constructing dykes to redirect lava flows away from residential areas and key infrastructure. Despite a decrease in the volcanic system’s hazard level, local authorities have warned about the possibility of further eruptions as land elevation continues to rise owing to subterranean magma accumulation.

Iceland’s unique geological landscape, featuring over 30 active volcanoes, has established the country as a hotspot for volcano tourism.

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