Climate activists ‘drown’ themselves in oil, gas, and flames in shocking protest against LNG in London

Climate activists ‘drown’ themselves in oil, gas, and flames in shocking protest against LNG in London

Climate activists ‘drown’ themselves in oil, gas, and flames in shocking protest against LNG in London

Watch: Climate activists ‘drown’ themselves in oil, gas, and flames in shocking protest against LNG in London

Shocking Performance Art Highlights Environmental Concerns at UN Maritime Agency

In a startling display of activism that blurred the lines between protest and performance art, climate campaigners from Ocean Rebellion staged a visceral demonstration outside the International Maritime Organization (IMO) headquarters in London. The protest, aimed at drawing attention to the environmental impact of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG), featured a haunting portrayal of an “ocean goddess” seemingly drowning in oil, alongside other dramatic elements.

A drowning goddess and flaming pumps

The centerpiece of the protest was a performer dressed as an “ocean goddess,” wearing a fishbowl over her head. In a chilling sequence, another activist poured fake black oil into the bowl, creating the illusion of the goddess drowning in pollution. The liquid engulfed her face as she feigned terror, before draining away.

Surrounding this central figure, other protesters donned gas masks and wielded petrol pumps spewing flames, creating a scene reminiscent of a dystopian nightmare.

Timing and target

The demonstration coincided with the final day of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee meeting, where discussions on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships were taking place. Ocean Rebellion chose this moment to accuse the UN agency of manipulating the fossil fuel industry and failing to protect the world’s oceans.

Ocean Rebellion’s message

The group took to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) to explain their actions:

“Poseidon, The Goddess of the Ocean is here to protect our seas! On Monday, she stood up against the #IMO’s greenwashing lies about LNG. We need real climate action, and she’s leading the charge!”

They further elaborated on the symbolism of their protest:

“A drowning ocean goddess symbolizes the dire threat Liquid Natural Gas poses to our oceans.”

LNG: Not the ‘green’ solution

Ocean Rebellion’s campaign focuses on debunking the notion of LNG as an environmentally friendly alternative fuel. The group argues:

“Liquid Natural Gas is not a ‘green’ solution. Methane leaks from LNG ships are 80x more damaging than CO2. The IMO must wake up to this reality before it’s too late.”

Calls for accountability

The activists didn’t mince words in their criticism of the IMO, stating:

“The IMO is failing to protect our oceans. LNG is a dirty fuel disguised as clean. We demand transparency and accountability. Stop listening to fossil fuel lobbyists, start protecting our planet!”

As the world grapples with the urgent need for climate action, this provocative protest serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing debate surrounding alternative fuels and maritime environmental policies. While the IMO continues its discussions behind closed doors, Ocean Rebellion’s dramatic display ensures that the conversation about LNG’s environmental impact remains in the public eye.

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