Two significant environmental proposals that would have increased the state’s emissions limits and held oil firms accountable for the health issues of residents who live near oil wells were both defeated by California lawmakers on Thursday.
Harm to people from oil companies could go unchecked
On Thursday, California lawmakers blocked two huge environmental bills. One has the power to ramp up the state’s emission targets and the other could make oil companies liable for health issues in people living close to oil wells. “Today, we missed a key opportunity to advance legislation that would hold polluters accountable and prevent further harm to families who are just trying to stay healthy and have a better quality of life,” stated Sen. Lena Gonzalez.
The Senate Appropriations Committee stopped the bill from getting a full Senate vote. Hence, it may not become a law this year. Jamie Court, the president of the advocacy group Consumer Watchdog, blamed committee chair Sen. Anthony Portantino. Portantino is a Democrat running for Congress. “A bill like this should get a hearing by the full Senate and not be shoved in a drawer by one politician when we have millions of people living within a half mile of oil wells whose lives and health are at threat every damn day,” stated Court.
Voices against the legislature

Several including Kara Greene, a spokesperson for the Western States Petroleum Association raised voices in opposition to the bill. “The billions of dollars and the fiscal mess that this bill would have caused to the State and local governments from their liabilities, the fiscal responsibility of inherited wells, and the cost to the court system, would be substantial,” stated Greene.
Malibu Democrat State Sen. Henry Stern introduced a bill earlier this year. The bill would make the state reduce emissions to 55 percent below the 1990 levels by 2030. Currently, the state is set towards reaching 40 percent by the same deadline. “The bill dying was a reflection of the impasse I worry we’re heading towards on climate in California. As the world races ahead, we may get stuck debating pathways forward,” stated Stern.