Steve and Barbie Moseley of the Texas State Past Officers are Interviewed on the Growing Our Future Podcast

Mission Matters Podcast Agency distributes the Growing Our Future Podcast

Steve Mosley, President and Barbie Mosley, Vice President of the Texas State Past Officers oversee the continued relationship of current and former Texas FFA Officers (Future Farmers of America Organization). They bring awareness of these two factions and their current contributions to the Agricultural Sciences communities and the country. Their pathways began in high school and became a part of who they are today. According to the Mosleys when discussing Past State Officers, “The passion for service is deep in their veins. They instantly see people [that they] serve whether that is monetarily, sitting at a judges table or doing anything that they can do [to help their Ag community]. It’s incredible to watch the fire get relit. We bring them back and they have an ‘aha’ moment. There is more to life than just an act of physical service, it’s lifelong.”

FFA is a self-motivated, student-led leadership development association for students of agricultural education. The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their aptitude for the highest leadership positions, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. State FFA Officers are called upon to represent FFA members and agricultural education programs in a variety of settings and with a great deal of impact.

A team of twelve Texas FFA State Officers represent each of the twelve area associations within the Texas FFA. These student officers work in partnership with the board of directors to develop policy for the Texas FFA Association and provide student leadership to Texas FFA members. All officers have responsibilities to the state association and leadership duties in their areas. State officers serve a one-year term.

Thinking more deeply about their role, the Mosleys firmly believe that the organization itself is what drew them to the Past State Officers group and their desire to have officers communicate with each other. With a strong desire to create positive interactions, the Mosleys culminate their year-long outreach by organizing reunion activities for this group of leaders that spans across varied business segments. “We have a shared experience with other officers. It transcends generations. It has been great for us to connect those generations. The new ones are talking to Past State Officers that are their parents’ age,” said Steve. When discussing their current plan for the reunion, he added, “I think that this is an all-star cast reunion team. We will have a current state rep, a government affairs consultant, multiple lawyers and bankers,, vets and the previous Commissioner of Agriculture in this group. We have a lot of influencers on this reunion team.”

Their personal experience with the FFA is also a strong motivator to give back to the organization that reinforced their values and commitment to the agriculture community. Steve recalled, “It taught me how to look down the road and predict what was going on. That along with the work ethic, this organization raises competitors, but we love to see the people around us doing well. I love that part of what we do and what we stand for. Teamwork is what really helped me a lot.”

Barbie shares similar feelings about the FFA and that “The power of communication was so important to me: the written word and [the ability] to verbalize. I’m an English teacher because of it. In today’s world, no matter how much technology happens, we need the power of communication to make progress…and it started for me in the Ag classroom.”

Listen to the full podcast interview by Aaron Alejandro with Steve and Barbie Mosley on your favorite podcast channel.

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· Mission Matters

In this podcast, the host covers:

Steve and Barbie, what are you grateful for?

How did your paths come together and how did that segue into the Texas Past State Officers (PSO’s)?

Who are the PSO influencers?

When we think of Agriculture (Ag) Science education, What did you learn in Ag Science leadership and development that you use to this day?

If you were going to give kids leadership tips today, what would you tell them in terms of leadership development? What skills would they need to possess to be successful in life?

What’s the best concert that you have ever been to?

About the Podcast Host and Guests

The Texas FFA Foundation’s purpose is to strengthen agricultural education and the Texas FFA program, so each student can develop their potential for personal growth, career success and leadership in a global marketplace.

More about the Texas FFA Foundation at:

To find out more information about

Texas Past State Officers, please visit

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Mission Matters Podcast Agency distributes the Growing Our Future Podcast


Media contact and published by KISS PR

Source: Adam Torres / Co-Founder

Release ID: 456247

Original Source of the original story >> Steve and Barbie Moseley of the Texas State Past Officers are Interviewed on the Growing Our Future Podcast

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