Johnny Wactor, best known for his role in “General Hospital,” was fatally shot during a robbery attempt in Los Angeles early Saturday morning. The 37-year-old actor and a colleague were at West Pico Boulevard and South Hope Street around 3:30 am when they encountered three masked individuals attempting to steal a catalytic converter from his car.
According to Wactor’s mother and police, the actor approached the thieves and, despite not resisting, was shot by one of the suspects who then fled in a vehicle, TMZ reported. Wactor was rushed to a local hospital but succumbed to his injuries.
Scarlett, Wactor’s mother, revealed more about the incident to NBC. She explained that Wactor had been bartending at a nearby rooftop venue and was walking to his car with a colleague after work. Two other co-workers had gone in a different direction to reach their vehicles. When Wactor and his colleague reached his car, they found it jacked up. Mistaking it for a tow, Wactor approached the masked men, attempting to communicate, only to be shot by one of the suspects, who then fled.
Wactor, known for his portrayal of Brando Corbin on “General Hospital,” was mourned by his colleagues. The “General Hospital” team released a statement on X, expressing their heartbreak over his untimely death. They described him as “truly one of a kind” and a pleasure to work with, extending their thoughts and prayers to his loved ones.
Johnny Wactor: Career highlights
Apart from “General Hospital,” Wactor had appeared in numerous films and TV series, including “NCIS,” “Station 19,” “Westworld,” and “Call of Duty: Vanguard.”