Justin Timberlake’s police mugshot turned into a “limited edition” art piece

In an unexpected turn of events, Justin Timberlake’s mugshot from his DWI arrest last month has become a highly sought-after piece of art. The singer’s arrest in Sag Harbor, New York, has sparked a surge of interest, with his police mugshot now fetching a surprising price tag.

Local gallery capitalizes on the mugshot’s appeal

Reports indicate that the Romany Kramoris Gallery, located in Sag Harbor, recognized the potential of Timberlake’s mugshot and decided to capitalize on it. The gallery’s decision proved successful as people flocked to see and photograph the image. The gallery has since witnessed long queues of eager visitors.

Timberlake’s mugshot becomes a ‘limited-edition piece’

The viral sensation of Timberlake’s mugshot has led artist Godfrey Lohman to transform the image into a “limited edition piece.” Lohman introduced his artwork, titled “Tuesday Night Out featuring Justin Timberlake,” to the Romany Kramoris Gallery. Situated in the very place where Timberlake was arrested after a night out with friends, the gallery plans to showcase the mugshot pieces, each priced at $520, throughout the summer.

Details of Timberlake’s arrest

Justin Timberlake was arrested for drunk driving during his concert tour. According to reports, when the police officer apprehended him, Timberlake expressed concern that the arrest would ruin his tour. The officer, not recognizing the pop star, reportedly responded, “What kind?” This incident quickly became a source of social media memes.

The mugshot, provided by the Sag Harbor New York Police Department on June 18, 2024, was taken after Timberlake was charged with running a stop sign and driving out of his lane in a village in New York’s Hamptons.

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