Captain America is responsible for Thanos’ snap in Avengers: Infinity War according to director Nia DaCosta. She also directed the horror-thriller Candyman and the next Marvel Cinematic Universe film The Marvels.
In an interview with Inverse, she revealed a viewpoint that is sure to stir much debate. She said, “Something I like to say a bit flippantly about Captain America is that the Snap is all his fault because he was trying to do his best, trying to do the right thing.”
She elaborated, “There is a world in which he’s a villain because, at the end of the day, he should have just sacrificed Vision. He chose one robot’s life, albeit a sentient one, over literally the entire universe. There’s a sort of anti-hero in that if you want to look at it through that lens.”
While DaCosta’s viewpoint may appear to be excessive and unjust at first, she does have a point. Steve Rogers was so preoccupied with doing the right thing. It meant not trading lives. But he risked the fate of half the universe to save a single sentient robot. Therefore, while doing the right thing, Captain America is responsible for Thanos’ snap.
Thanos would not have gotten his hands on Mind Stone if Vision had been killed as he desired. The Mad Titan would not have been able to wipe off half of all living beings in the cosmos.
Most MCU fans blame Thanos’ rage on Star-Lord for losing his cool after learning that the Big Bad had killed Gamora to obtain the Soul Stone. But blaming Captain America is fresh, and not entirely unwarranted. The Avengers (the remaining ones) were able to fix the snap. But there were casualties, such as Natasha Romanoff, and many of those that returned found the five-year gap distressing.
The Marvels is the sequel of Captain Marvel, which was released in 2019. It will star Brie Larson as Carol Danvers, Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel), and Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau. Megan McDonnell will write the script.
The Marvels is going to release on February 17, 2023.