BJ Novak’s face is on strange products around the world

BJ Novak's face is on strange products, Check it out

BJ Novak's face is on strange products, Check it out

BJ Novak's face is on strange products around the world

Do you recall the dashing actor from ‘The Office‘? BJ Novak portrayed Ryan Howard, an ambitious temp who becomes a corporate hottie before returning to square one. Well, BJ Novak’s face is on strange products you can think of, and he had no idea until recently.

BJ Novak recently shared on Instagram how strange it feels to have your face on items for which you never provided consent. He said that his face is useful to advertise anything from face paint to fragrance in Uruguay.

While you may not believe it at first, BJ Novak has proof to substantiate these claims. He wrote, “Years ago, someone mistakenly put an image of me on a public domain site, and now apparently I am on products all around the world, but I am too amused to do anything about it.”

BJ Novak’s face is on strange products, Check it out:

After his character Ryan on the popular comedy program ‘The Office’ used the faces of his coworkers Phyllis (Phyllis Smith) and Oscar (Oscar Nunez) to sell his mother’s homemade pesto and salsa, it almost feels like life has come full circle for him. Ryan aka Novak, Karma is wreaking havoc this time!

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