A pregnant woman goes into labor while attending Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour concert

A pregnant woman goes into labor while attending Taylor Swift's Eras Tour concert

Taylor Swift and her music have an incredible impact on fans. A pregnant woman recently went into labor while attending Swift’s Era Tour concert in Australia. The 31-year-old danced through the pain and gave birth days later, according to a report in the New York Post.

Jenn Gutierrez, who was 38 weeks pregnant, traveled from Canberra, Australia, to Melbourne to see her favorite singer perform. Despite her due date being just two weeks away, she didn’t want to miss seeing her favorite singer live. She attended the concert with her husband, Michael Sin, and her twin sister.

However, an hour into the concert, Gutierrez began having contractions. She kept dancing and singing through the contractions, which continued throughout the show. By the end of the concert, Gutierrez could barely stand or walk. However, the contractions stopped once she returned to the hotel, and the next morning, she was able to fly home.

A few days later, in February 2024, she gave birth to a baby girl.

“They started during the Reputation set. I thought ‘I’m not going anywhere. If this baby comes she coming out now. The contractions got progressively worse. In the Midnights set I thought ‘OMG, I’m going to have this baby right now’,” Gutierrez said.

“We were doing the maths and we didn’t think I was going to be that pregnant initially”

The two sisters have been long-time fans of the artist and were thrilled when they bought VIP tickets last year. “We were doing the maths and we didn’t think I was going to be that pregnant initially. We then realized we were cutting it close,” Gutierrez said.

She was allowed to fly six days before Swift’s show but had concerns about the eight-hour road trip. Gutierrez told the New York Post, “We were adamant about going. No way we were going to miss the show.”

After the trio got ready for the concert, Gutierrez felt the contractions starting an hour in. She said, “I was so shocked. I was a bit taken back. My twin sister was next to me monitoring me. My husband was keeping an eye on my heart rate on my Apple watch. I hope the girls behind me didn’t think I’m not a real Swiftie because I kept sitting down. It was a euphoric experience.”

“I felt the baby on its way out because she was so low. Imagine standing for three hours with a bowling ball between your legs. I waddled out of the stadium.”

Gutierrez added that she was able to ease the contractions after reaching the hotel and flew back the next morning.

A few days later, she gave birth to a “happy” and “healthy” baby girl weighing around 3.3 kilograms.

“The first song she listened to was Fearless by Taylor Swift. She is an embedded Swiftie,” the new mother gleefully said.

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