Scientists identify ‘trigger molecule’ for COVID-19 related changes in smell

Covid smell

Scientists have found the “trigger molecule” that causes pleasant aromas to smell like burning garbage or sewage in those whose sense of smell is affected by Covid.

A symptom of Covid is a loss of sense of smell. Infected people have experienced problems with their sense of smell. Many patients have also remarked that the scents of everyday goods resembled those of sewage.

The loss of smell is a hallmark sign of Covid-19. It is likely to affect roughly 18 percent of adults in the UK. Some people also have problems with their sense of smell, which is known as parosmia. But the biological cause has remained a mystery.

Researchers have now identified a highly powerful chemical that causes people with Covid to feel disgusted.

2-furanmethanethiol is the name of the molecule. It’s a component of coffee. Those with a normal sense of smell identified this chemical with coffee and, in some cases, popcorn, according to the researchers. Patients with Covid infection, on the other hand, reacted with disgust, comparing the stench to sewage.

“This is solid evidence that it’s not ‘all in the head’, and that the sense of disgust can be related to the compounds in the distorted foods. The central nervous system is certainly involved as well in interpreting the signals that it receives from the nose.” said Dr. Jane Parker. Parker is the director of the Flavour Centre at the University of Reading and co-author of the research. The Guardian quoted Dr. Parker.

A recent international survey states that roughly 10% of people with Covid-related smell loss reported parosmia just after the sickness. It rose to 47% when the respondents were contacted again six or seven months later.

“Long way to go”

Coffee, chocolate, meat, onion, and toothpaste are some of the most prevalent parosmia triggers. The most recent study looked into whether specific chemicals within these substances were a fault.

The researchers were able to test individual coffee compounds on volunteers with parosmia and compare their reactions to those who did not by capturing the odor of coffee. People with parosmia may identify the odor components that cause them to feel disgusted among the hundred or so present in coffee.

Scientists also discovered 15 widely identified substances that caused parosmia among the 29 volunteers. The most prevalent culprit is the molecule 2-furanmethanethiol. 20 of the volunteers described it as having a horrible odor.

The nose has around 400 different types of olfactory receptors, each of which is sensitive to particular odors. 2-furanmethanethiol has such a low detection threshold. Therefore, it may be one of the first substances to resurface on a person’s radar after they’ve lost their sense of smell. Parker believes the brain is misclassifying the smell. But that additional research is essential to fully comprehend this aspect of the illness. According to the study, those with parosmia may perceive the most offensive odors differently. Thereby, describing the smell of feces as “less unpleasant or biscuity.”

Simon Gane is one of the researchers, from the Royal National Ear, Nose and Throat and Eastman Dental Hospital. Gane said: “We still have a long way to go in understanding this condition, but this research is the first to zoom in on the mechanism in the nose. We now know this has to be something to do with the nerves and their receptors because that’s how these molecules are detected.”

Journal Communications Medicine published the findings.

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