Needle-free COVID-19 vaccine: Trials begins targeting new variants

Needle-free Covid vaccine

A new needle-free COVID-19 vaccine is undergoing testing to guard against future viral strains.

Prof Jonathan Heeney of Cambridge University and chief executive of DIOSynVax created the vaccine. It is delivered via a jet of air.

Participants will be between the age of 18 and 50 when they arrive at the NIHR Southampton Clinical Research Facility.

“As new variants emerge and immunity begins to wane, we need newer technologies,” Prof Heeney said.

Universal coronavirus vaccine

He claims that the DIOS-CoVax vaccine, which employs a new technique to treat the disease, could provide considerably greater protection against Covid variations and other coronaviruses.

“It’s vital that we continue to develop new generation vaccine candidates ready to help keep us safe from the next virus threats,” he added.

“It is the first step towards a universal coronavirus vaccine we are developing, protecting us not just from COVID-19 variants but from future coronaviruses.”

Current COVID-19 vaccines encode antigens. It causes the immune system to make antibodies, using genes derived from the virus spike protein.

Spring-powered jet

Researchers anticipate that this new vaccine uses predictive approaches to imitate the wider family of coronavirus antigens. It will provide additional protection.

A spring-powered jet injection delivers it into the skin. Thus, the Needle-free Covid vaccine provides an alternative to needle-based injections for those who are afraid of them.

Prof Saul Faust, director of the NIHR Southampton Clinical Research Facility, said: “This isn’t simply ‘yet another’ coronavirus vaccine, as it has both Covid-19 variants and future coronaviruses in its sights.

“This technology could give wide-ranging protection to huge numbers of people worldwide.”

Individuals in Southampton and Hampshire “stepped up time and time again to help find the vaccines,” he said. Also, noting that the Janssen jab already underwent tests at Southampton General Hospital.

“We’re asking for their help again in developing this potentially game-changing vaccine,” Prof Faust added.

Volunteers from the surrounding area are also in need of the study. They must have had their first two Covid-19 immunizations but not their booster.

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