‘COVID-19 was a man-made virus leaked from a Chinese lab,’ claims a Wuhan scientist in his new book

'COVID-19 was a man-made virus leaked from a Chinese lab,' claims a Wuhan scientist in his new book

In his new book, a Wuhan scientist is claiming that COVID-19 was a man-made virus. Here’s all you need to know about Andrew Huff’s new book and recent statements.

Scientist claims COVID-19 is a ‘man-made virus’

Andrew Huff, a scientist, and the author claims that COVID-19 was a man-made virus that escaped the facility. Huff is a US-based scientist who previously worked at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). He revealed to The Sun, a British newspaper that COVID-19 was released from the state-funded and operated center two years ago. In his book, “The Truth About Wuhan,” Huff claims the COVID-19 health crisis was brought on by the American government’s funding of coronaviruses.

“Foreign laboratories did not have adequate control measures in place for ensuring proper biosafety, biosecurity, and risk management. Ultimately also resulting in the lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” claims Huff in his new book. Excerpts of the book were shared exclusively in The Sun. Huff worked at the EcoHealth Alliance between 2014 to 2016.

More on the coronavirus research organization

The research facility at Wuhan has been a subject of discussion since the pandemic began. However, both the lab staff and the Chinese government are disputing the creation of the virus. The lab has been under immense pressure from the nation’s communist party for making scientific advancements that boost its reputation in the world.

Additionally, WIV has been researching several coronaviruses with support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH is a leading US government institute in charge of public health and biological research. As per Huff, the NIH has been helping the lab in Wuhan. Hence making it possible to establish the “best current tools to modify bat coronaviruses to infect other species.” “China also knew from day one that this was a genetically engineered agent. The US government is to blame for the transfer of dangerous biotechnology to the Chinese,” he added.

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