COVID-19 treatment guidelines for kids: No Remdesiver, limit steroid, and CT scans



The Center on June 9, released new COVID-19 treatment guidelines concerning kids. Amidst the anxiety over the third wave of coronavirus that is impacting kids, this is an important development.

The new rules, released and approved by the Directorate General of Health Services advise against the use of Remdesivir. Initially, doctors used the popular anti-viral drug to treat coronavirus in kids. The guidelines are by the top doctors across the country. Dr. Randeep Guleria, the director of AIIMS stated that over 60-70 percent of children infected with covid in the second wave had co-morbidities or low immunity. Healthy children usually had mild cases.

“Till now, children have displayed similar seroprevalence as adults, which means, they are as much affected as adults,” said Dr. VK Paul stating his uncertainty if the wave will specifically target children.

Detailed covid treatment for children as per latest guidelines


For severe cases of COVID-19 in children, the guidelines prescribe necessary management in case of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome development. Additionally, in case of shock, management treatment is important. Organ support is important in case of dysfunction or failure of the organ. And doctors should prescribe antimicrobials only if there is strong evidence of bacterial infection.


For children with moderate infection, the guidelines suggest immediate oxygen therapy. However, corticosteroids are okay if there is a rapid progression of the disease. The same rule applies to anticoagulants.


Steroids are harmful to children, so, it is better to avoid antimicrobials and steroids in mild cases. Additionally, the guidelines stress the rational use of CT scans. 10-15mg/kg/dose of paracetamol every 4-6 hours and warm saline gargles in case of cough is sufficient.

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