Conjunctivitis becoming a symptom of Covid in children: Report

Conjunctivitis becoming symptom of Covid in children: Report

According to doctors referenced in media accounts, conjunctivitis, or ‘pink eye,’ is emerging as one of the prominent symptoms of Covid-19 in youngsters. India is one of the countries experiencing an increase in Covid cases.


“Treatment for conjunctivitis is mostly symptomatic. We advise the parents to clean the eye with lukewarm water,” said Dr. Dhiran Gupta, as quoted by The Times of India.

“In teenagers, we are also seeing body aches and weakness which can persist for days,” he added.

According to the paper, a study led by Dr. Vipin M Vasishtha and Dr. Puneet Kumar discovered conjunctival involvement in 42.8 percent of affected neonates.


Conjunctivitis is the inflammation or swelling of the conjunctiva in the eye. It is the thin, translucent layer of tissue that borders the inner region of the eyelids and covers the white part of the eye.

According to Dr. Suresh Kumar, the medical director of New Delhi’s Lok Nayak Hospital, conjunctivitis is being observed to be one of the “defining features” of Covid infection in children.

“The good thing is that the disease is self-limiting. Most patients, be it children or adults, tend to recover on their own without any specific medication or need for hospitalization,” he told the news outlet.

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