Research shows that exposure to rhinovirus, the cause behind the common cold, can provide protection against COVID-19. Here’s everything you need to know about it.
Common cold virus helps conquer COVID-19
A new study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine shows that a common respiratory virus can jump-start interferon-stimulated gene activity. Also, the molecules in the immune system have the power to halt the replication of COVID-19 causing virus. Further, the researchers from Yale University learned that this is possible in any airway tissue infected with the common cold. You might wonder how something like this can happen. Researchers found that triggering of immune defenses early can help in preventing and treating coronavirus infections.
Interferons help in combating coronavirus

Alternatively, another way to trigger our body’s defense is by treating it with interferons. Interferons are signaling proteins released by our body in the presence of viruses. They have the ability to interfere with viral replication and protect our bodies. Luckily, interferons are also available in the form of pharmaceutical drugs. However, “it all depends upon the timing,” according to Ellen Foxman, an author of the study.
Their study found that viral load doubled every six hours in infected lab-grown airway tissue. Moreover, the viral replication came to a stop in tissues exposed to rhinovirus. This makes sit clear that if antiviral defenses, the coronavirus could replicate in airway tissue that exposed to rhinovirus previously.