China suspects kids’ clothing deliveries are spreading COVID-19

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china covid -19

Three workers at a children’s apparel manufacturer in Hebei province in China are infected with covid-19. Officials more than 1,200 miles distant demands anybody receiving or even merely touching shipments from the company needs to get the test. China is stepping up its COVID-19 containment efforts. Warning the virus could be spreading via shipments just as the country’s largest annual online shopping festival approaches.

The health commission in Guangxi, in China’s southeast, describes the situation as a “Covid-related mail chain.” The provincial government stated in a statement that officials examined 300 packets of apparel from the company.

Despite international health agencies downplaying the possibility of virus transmission on the packaging and other surfaces. China has previously screened commodities such as imported frozen food for the virus. Chinese officials have stated that goods from foreign countries or high-risk local locations should go through sanitation. Even for low-risk purchases, recipients are advised to use masks and gloves when picking up and unpacking packages.

China is sticking to its COVID-19 zero approach

China is sticking to its COVID-19 zero approach. It is searching for every possible case to contain a small outbreak, that has infected slightly over 1,000 individuals in the country of 1.4 billion people. In addition to halting schools and entertainment venues in outbreak zones, the government is requiring tests. Especially, people in the same general vicinity as someone who is ill.

Meanwhile, authorities in Inner Mongolia’s Xilinhot are asking people who have shopped or received parcels from another clothing business in the last month to contact the local disease prevention department after traces of COVID-19 discovery. There are no positive tests in association with the goods.

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