27 US Air Force personnel fired for refusing to take COVID-19 vaccine

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27 US Air Force personnel fired for refusing to take COVID-19 vaccine

Twenty-seven US Air Force officers had to leave from duty. After they refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Apparently making them the first in the service to be discharged from duty for disobeying the mandate to get the vaccines. The air force had set a deadline of November 2 for its members to be immunized. In October, the US Air Force issued a warning that those who refused to comply with the mandatory vaccine order. They will not only be discharged from service. But will not get any benefits. And would not be in consideration for re-enlistment.


Ann Stefanek, Air Force spokeswoman, said the troops were given chance to explain. Why they are refusing to take the vaccination, but there are no exemptions. Approximately 97 percent of Air Force personnel are immune against the virus. It is by far higher than the general population in the United States. There are approximately 326,000 active-duty personnel in the Air and Space Force. The coronavirus has claimed the lives of 79 uniformed military personnel from various services. 

27 US Air Force personnel fired for refusing to take COVID-19 vaccine

But none of the 27 air force officers sought any type of exemption, medical, administrative or religious, Stefanek says. The vaccine, according to Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, is critical to the force’s health and ability to respond to a national security crisis. According to the Pentagon, as of December 10, 96.4 percent of active-duty personnel had at least one shot. When the Guard and Reserve are factored in, the percentage drops to around 74%. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states, roughly 72% of people aged 18 and up in the United States have received at least one vaccination. 

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